Martensitic steel

KLEINOX 4057 – DIN EN X17CrNi16-2 – AISI 431 – ASTM F899

KLEINOX 4057 DIN EN X17CrNi16-2 AISI 431 ASTM F899 trafilati inox, acciai martensitici acciaio trafilato acciaio rettificato acciaio martensitico acciaio temperabile 1.4057 AISI 431 X17CrNi16-2 ASTM F899 strumentazione medica strumentazione chirurgica strumentazione dentale implantologia klein srl automotive aerospaziale alimentare petrolchimica


KLEINOX 4057 (AISI 431) hardenable martensitic stainless steel with high Cr and low S and C contents, and is ESR remelted. These features further a good corrosion resistance. This condition will be satisfactory if the parts are previously quenched, polished and passivated. This steel is well indicated for the production of medical, surgical and dental instruments, and for automotive, chemistry, petrochemistry, food and aerospace industries.


Diameters: 1.00 – 15.00 mm
Tolerances: ISO h8 (up to h5)
Delivery conditions: in cold drawn or ground bars 3m and Coils

Before hardening

Tensile Strength: ca. 850 N/mm2
Heat treatment: hardening: 950 – 1060°C
Hardness Max: 47 HRc
Cutting speed: 30 – 40 m/min
Lubrificant-cooling fluid i.e.: INOX or ORTHO Motorex

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